
Who are we?

Asanga is a Financial Advisory Firm that manages Finance for the ultra-high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors. Operating as a niche Independent Financial Advisor, it is headquartered in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). It provides advice and a bouquet of financial solutions to Professional Clients. Asanga Capital strives to be a subject-matter expert, bringing the most suitable ideas to its clients. With that objective, it provides an open architecture of Custodians, Banks, Asset Managers, and Service Providers for clients to choose from.

Meaning of Asanga

Literal meaning of Āsaṅga (असङ्ग) is ‘without attachment’.

Detachment is the greatest wealth.

Only with detached involvement one can perform duties well.

In order to get anything in the physical world, you have to detach from the outcome, and be in the process.
The real meaning of detachment is not that you are not involved in the world, but it has to do with how you respond and react to the world.

How we relate with Asanga (Detachment) is – commitment without attachment. For us, the concept of detachment is to avoid being consumed by the environment, tasks, issues (read markets, challenges) as this way we become part of it, instead the best solution can be worked out by removing oneself from the situation. We believe that maintaining a level of emotional distance may foster more objectivity and sense while dealing with issues.

Asanga encourages us to perform our duties with detachment from the outcome, whether success or failure. We see detachment as liberation, the gateway towards experiencing everything that one wants in life.

Asanga find its reference in East Asian cultures and languages- Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, and Jainism. In Buddhism, Asanga as a name is reckoned with the most revered and sacred Mahayana Buddhist monk and a pivotal teacher of Yoga tradition. Originally trained as a Hinayanist, he converted to become Mahayanist and established the Yogacara School of Buddhism, in modern day Peshawar, Pakistan. Asanga is mentioned as name of a Rākṣasī appointed as one of the Divine protector deities of Chan-chan, according to Sūtras (texts) in Mahāyāna Buddhism partly available in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese. In Jainism, Asanga is the Prakrit name of a Yakṣa chief, obedient to Vaiśramaṇa- the god of wealth, also known as Kubera, according to the Bhagavatī-sūtra or Vyākhyāprajñapti (“Exposition of Explanations”)- the largest of the twelve Jain āgamas. In Puranas, Asaṅga is used to describe Śiva. Śrīmadbhagavadgītā uses it to convey the message of ‘KarmaYog’ or performing duties with detachment from the outcomes . (Source- wisdomlib.org. Quotes are from ‘The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success’ by Deepak Chopra, Śrīmadbhagavadgītā, part of the text inspired from Zen Buddhism)

Story behind the Logo


Selection of 3 colours over monochrome was to show our liking to the diversity and dynamism. The colours speak a lot and differently with people, here is what we felt from our 3 brand colours:

Green is one of the more restful colours, as it doesn’t force the eye to make any adjustments. It gives a sense of balance and calm as well as a connection to nature. Common associations for green include which we relate with: Nature, Health, Wealth, Tranquillity, Harmony

Like the calm seas, blue inspires a sense of calm and spiritual awareness along with feelings of trust. It offers a sense of confidence and professionalism. Common associations for blue include which we relate with: Wisdom, Loyalty, Spirituality, Sophistication, Respectability

Gray is one of the most neutral shades. The colour relates with timeless, practical, and unbiased feeling. Common associations for gray include which we relate with: Practicality, Efficiency, Timelessness, Classic, Serious